What Is RFID? - ID Stronghold

Technology provides many conveniences when it comes to sending and receiving money, sharing information, and staying connected with other people. But those conveniences sometimes have hidden costs. RFID-enabled credit cards and smartphones give you nearly unlimited access to your money and accounts from anywhere in the world. And that easy access presents an unprecedented danger for your information to get into the wrong hands. Without protection, all of the credit cards in your wallet—even your identity—are vulnerable to RFID theft. 


What does RFID stand for?

RFID is an abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification. It’s a type of technology that uses small computer chips, called tags, which can store tiny amounts of information. Certain electronic devices can read the info on these tags, but they have to be nearby. You’ve probably seen and used RFID technology. Contactless payment cards are an example of RFID that’s increasing in popularity at a rapid pace. If you’ve ever paid for something by holding your debit or credit card over a credit card terminal, you’ve used RFID. The blank cards that get you into your office, or a hotel room, also use RFID. Your driver’s license and passport might too. 


How does RFID work?

An RFID tag is essentially a small computer chip that stores a few kilobytes of data. It doesn’t really do anything on its own because it doesn’t have a power source. But when it’s held up to an RFID reader, it gets just enough power to operate through radio waves. The reader works like a battery, but it supplies power wirelessly while scanning the contents of the tag.


What is an RFID wallet?

An RFID wallet is a specially designed wallet that protects your credit cards, debit cards, and ID cards from wireless identity theft, also known as digital pickpocketing. These wallets are built with RFID-blocking technology, which uses specialized shielding materials to prevent unauthorized scans of your RFID-enabled cards. Without this protection, cybercriminals equipped with RFID scanners can steal sensitive information from your contactless cards without ever touching them.

How does RFID theft happen?

Using a homemade RFID scanner, thieves can steal your credit card numbers and personal information anytime you’re in a public place. Airports, movie theaters, and other crowded venues offer plenty of opportunities for crooks to quickly scan and grab your data. They don’t even need to touch you, so the theft is almost impossible to detect until long after it happens. 


How does an RFID-blocking wallet work?

An RFID wallet keeps your contactless payment cards and IDs safe inside an electromagnetic shield. Signals from RFID readers can’t get through to the tags inside the wallet, so they can’t read the information on those tags. You’ve probably seen that old black-and-white video of a man sitting at a typewriter inside of a metal cage. While he types, bolts of electricity constantly strike the cage, but the man is completely unharmed and continues his typing. That’s the gist of what an RFID wallet does for its contents. ID Stronghold wallets offer even more security. Each card slot has its own RFID shield or layer of protection, so your cards are secure even when your wallet is open. When you’re taking out cash or removing your driver’s license, you can be sure that everything still in the wallet is safe.


How does an RFID wallet compare to other wallets?

An RFID wallet looks like any other wallet and is comparable in price. Wallets from ID Stronghold come in a variety of materials such as leather and canvas. There’s a large selection of men’s, women’s, bifolds, trifolds, and passport wallets. They’re available with money clips, zippers, bottle openers, and best of all—peace of mind. 


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